New Visitors to New York City

My intention was to share this blog on International Women’s Day, but I’m still working on blending Patricia-world and the new job, and navigation slowed a bit this week. It’s all part of the process and I’m loving it!

I want to introduce you to two new visitors who have arrived in the Madison Square Park area. Renowned Pakistani-American artist Shahzia Sikander has created this new project with the theme of women and justice called  “Havah … to breathe, air, life.” Through her work, the artist “confronts symbols of power and justice to examine long-standing practices and attitudes impeding the advancement of women.” (Madison Square Park Conservancy)

In Madison Square Park itself, you’ll find the glowing and golden 18-foot statue, Witness. Her steel hoop skirt is adorned in beautiful mosaic, inspired by the stained-glass ceiling in the nearby Appellate Division Courthouse, first department of the Supreme Court of the State of New York. 

Her hair is braided to resemble two ram horns, identified in many traditions as symbols of strength. 

And speaking of the courthouse, there’s a second golden and glowing statue as part of  Havah … to breathe, air, life.” Her name is NOW and she’s located on the roof; therefore many people miss her, so look up! NOW rises from the base of a lotus plant, a symbol of wisdom. And she is the first female figure to be installed among a group of male lawmakers, including Confucius and Moses!

A small note of interest; both statues have a small ‘frill’ around the neckline, referring to the lace collar that Ruth Bader Ginsburg made famous.

Through her work, the artist aims to address the justice and injustice of women. Sikander says: “If we use art, media, and culture to reverse stereotypes about gender, race, immigrants, and the unfamiliar, the beliefs we pass on to future generations reflect the complex and dynamic world we live in.” 

If you happen to be in the area, take some time to breathe these lovelies in, and gain your own interpretation as you bear witness. As Sikander shares so eloquently: “Not only is the sculpture being witnessed by the crowd, but the sculpture itself is a witness to the unfolding of history in the present moment.”

If you want to learn more about Havah … to breathe, air, life” click HERE

Happy Women’s History Month my Lovelies. Let’s always strive to lift one another in light and with Big Love, PatriciaG

NOTE: PatriciaG’s Gift Shop is open all year round and I’m adding new items all the time! There is always a SALE happening. Come on over and take a look. And I’d be tickled pink if you shared with those you know and love. Thanks so much! Grazie Mille!