Ciao a Tutti,
My trip to Napoli was an interesting one. Any thoughts or plans that I had about exploring this city and its environs quickly went awry when I had emergency dental surgery two straight days prior to my departure. I won't share the details on this, but suffice it to say that it was painful, bloody, and for this tough New York broad, admittedly a bit traumatic.
Despite thoughts of canceling, I packed up my shit, got on the train and found myself in Napoli. It is an amazing city, rich in culture, diversity, beauty, great food, grit, and absolute chaos. Anyone whose ever tried to cross the street in Napoli understands the chaos! I mean, this place has got NYC beat times 100. In fact, if I had to compare, I'd say NYC is more like Naples, Florida when compared to Napoli. The people remind me of New York City...tough on the outside and a bit suspicious of you at first, but once you spend a little time letting them know who you are, they are the warmest and most generous people, and they open their city to you.
I had to do some soul searching here. Part of me wanted to hit the ground running and eat up this city. However, I was in a considerable amount of pain and still reeling from the surgery. I had to become comfortable with the idea that maybe I needed to take it slow and easy. This left me feeling disappointed in myself, a bit intimidated (senza bitchy Patricia) and less than adventurous. Inspite of this, I spent some wonderful, delicious and inspiring moments here in Napoli. It was an interesting experience for me; one which I am, quite honestly, still processing. Therefore, I'm going to stop 'talking' and just share the images from my stay with you. I hope you like. Buon Weekend & Big Love, PatriciaG (one more thing...Napoli I will be back!)
Quartiere Spagnoli - my fav
There are so many of these staircases and alleyways. Love them.
Casa Tolentino, my bed & breakfast. A 17th-century restored monastery. More info on CT here.
View from my window. Vesuvio in the distance.
Hanging laundry is an art in Napoli. It reminded me of my Mom hanging laundry out my bedroom window in Ozone Park, Queens.
Subway...yea really.
Piazza Plebiscito
An empty piazza with a closed church and seating for one.
Piazza Municipio, Fontana del Nettuno
A break in the clouds and I do believe I heard angels sing.
Caffe Nocciola
First pizza in Napoli!
Pasta fagioli. When I went to Caffe Eccletico to say Arrivederci to new friends Orazio & Salvatore they insisted I eat something before the trip & cooked up this typical Napolitana dish for me. I want some more now!
Orazio e Salvatore at Caffe Eccletico. If you go to Napoli, go see these guys. They are amazing! Located on Corso Vittorio Emanuele.
No surgery was keeping me away from this. It took a while to eat, but I managed to finish every last bite.
The people who made my visit special:
Francesco & Antonella...We met in New York City 2 years ago. Then we celebrated New Year's Day together in Firenze last year. And now I kept my promise to visit them in their hometown. They shared their city with such love and generosity. Grazie cari amici! A presto!
Totally unplanned. My friend Nico from New York City wound up being in Napoli the same time as me. He brought me on a tour of the city. I will forever remember the visit to Quartiere Spagnoli. Era fantastico! Grazie caro! A presto!
San Gregorio Armeno is a Christmas paradise. I thought of my Dad while visiting here. He loved decorating for Christmas & made it so special for us and he would've loved this place. I did a short video of what I am sure Dad would've purchashed to add to his Christmas collection. I'd like to share with you.