After the beautiful snow yesterday (Thank you!!) it rained all night and it is once again raining today. In fact there was even thunder & hail this morning. And I love it!
I know this may seem a bit self-indulgent, but I feel that Firenze is a little sad that I am leaving, and I take some solace in the fact that we both shed tears today. The rain will help to hide mine as I take another twirl around the city, walk my bridges, and dance along the Arno one last time. It is my special alone time with Firenze that has become a nightly tradition.
Truth be told, I could walk the Arno a million more times and I will always want one more, and one more, and one more. And for this reason I know I will be back. I will always return. And in the interim I have my memories, my journals and my photos.
I have loved sharing my photos with all of you. Thank you for taking this journey with me. It has touched me in so many ways and I am so grateful for all of you.
Last night I spent some time uploading new photos to the website to share. I knew I’d want to get an early start today to soak in Firenze just a little bit more and take a few more twirls around.
Check out the Italy and Food sections particularly, but feel free to peruse the rest of the site as well.
For my Firenze friends - thank you so much. It has been an amazing experience and you have helped me to grow probably more than you know. I love you! Ci vediamo a presto!
And for my NY peeps, I smile at the thought of seeing all of your beautiful faces very soon. Looking forward to the hugs and the kisses and the shared stories in catching up. Prosecco is on me!! Love you.
Big Love,